MEMORY  Caching  in  .NET Core  Step by Step

What is caching?

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Caching is a technique to store frequently accessed data in a temporary location. This helps to quickly retrieve the data without having to go back to the original data source.

Advantages of Caching

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Faster Response Times

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Reduced Server Load

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Improved Availability

Better Performance

Reduced Network Latency

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Client side caching


Caching happens on the client’s browser. When a client requests a web page, their browser will store a copy of the page and its associated resources (such as images and scripts) in its cache.

Types of Caching

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Server-side caching


Caching happens on the server. When a server receives a request for a web page, the server will send the cached version if available to the client instead of generating the page dynamically again.

Types of Caching

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Reverse proxy caching


Caching happens on a reverse proxy server, which sits between the client and the web server. The reverse proxy server can cache the responses from the web server and return a cached response to the client if available.

Types of Caching

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CDN Caching


A CDN (content delivery network) is a system of distributed servers that can cache and deliver content to clients based on their geographic location. CDN caching can help to reduce the load on web servers by storing and delivering content closer to the client.

Types of Caching

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What is Memory Caching?

Improves performance, as accessing data from memory is much faster than accessing it from a database or other external source.

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Memory caching is one of the Server Caching techniques. 

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Allows an application to store frequently accessed data in memory.

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